OSHA Compliance
Consolidated Risk Management, Inc. (CRM Inc.) provides site safety audits and mock OSHA surveys that result in a summary report that identifies necessary mitigation procedures for workplace hazards.
Required OSHA training in, and program development, is available from CRM Inc.:
- Personal protective equipment;
- Confined space entry;
- Lockout Tagout practices;
- Hazard communication;
- Fall protection;
- Lift Truck safety training;
- Fire / Lift safety and emergency preparedness;
- Walking and Working surfaces;
- Material-handling procedures;
- Hot Work;
Respiratory protection, dust evaluations and air analysis;
- Hearing conservation;
- Supervisor safety training; and
- Violence in the workplace prevention.
CRM, Inc.. can provide a complete workplace assessment, loss and trend analysis, written program, enact onsite workplace safety and healthy programs, conduct safety audits, provide worker safety training, and set up mandatory safety programs to assure program performance and loss prevention.
Call us for free program quotation of services.
Consolidated Risk Management, Inc. can aid companies with compliance with OSHA regulations. In addition, assistance following an OSHA inspection, with informal conference representation, hazard mitigation and fine negotiations.
Worried about a potential OSHA inspection -- We can help!
OSHA has visited and now what? -- We can help!